film title englishA documentary film by Sylvie Jacquemin


  • Non Profit Organisations

Survival International : The movement for tribal peoples (London, UK)

Survival International is a human rights organisation formed in 1969 that campaigns for the rights of indigenous tribal peoples and uncontacted peoples, seeking to help them defend their lives, protect their lands and  to determine their own future.Survival is the only organization working for tribal peoples’ rights worldwide.

Village Earth : Sustainability Through Empowerment (Fort Collins, CO, USA)

Village Earth was founded on the belief that poverty is not the problem, but rather, merely a symptom of the larger problem of individuals and communities becoming disconnected from the resources that contribute to human well-being. We believe that the real challenge that we face as a global community is how everyone can have access to the resources needed to live well without compromising the ability of others and future generations to do the same. - See more at:

Village Earth was founded on the belief that poverty is not the problem, but rather, merely a symptom of the larger problem of individuals and communities becoming disconnected from the resources that contribute to human well-being. We believe that the real challenge that we face as a global community is how everyone can have access to the resources needed to live well without compromising the ability of others and future generations to do the same.

Village Earth is a federation of associations and supports several associations active in Pine Ridge Reservation : Lakota Buffalo Caretaker Cooperative & Lakota Lands Recovery Project :

Village Earth was founded on the belief that poverty is not the problem, but rather, merely a symptom of the larger problem of individuals and communities becoming disconnected from the resources that contribute to human well-being. We believe that the real challenge that we face as a global community is how everyone can have access to the resources needed to live well without compromising the ability of others and future generations to do the same. - See more at:

Comité de Solidarité avec les Indiens des Amériques - CSIA Nitassinan (Paris, France)

Créé en 1978, sur la demande de représentants autochtones des Amériques,  le C.S.I.A.,  association loi 1901 s’efforce de mieux faire connaître les peuples autochtones des Amériques (du Nord, centrale et du Sud) en Europe et de les soutenir dans leurs luttes pour la reconnaissance de leurs droits et l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie.

The Indigenous Portal - an initiative of the International Indigenous ICT Task Force (IITF)

'Indigenous owned and operated portal for and about Indigenous Peoples that disseminates reliable information'.
The Indigenous Portal is an outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  WSIS was a two-phase series, United Nations (UN) sponsored summit about information and communication. The Geneva Summit in December 2003 laid the foundations with a Declaration of Principles and a plan of action. The Tunis Summit aimed to monitor and evaluate progress on the action plan and devise an agenda that will target goals for achievement by 2015.

4 WINDS (Lausanne, Switzerland and Mouthier, France)

FourWinds is a non-profit association based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Its principal objectives are: - to establish a true cultural bridge with the Natives of America, for the benefit of all. - to promote knowledge and a better understanding of their way of living and of thinking. - to support and help Native Americans in their endeavours and projects. - to work for the respect of the environment and of human relations.
This association organizes the first and only exclusively Native powwow in Europe. It is an opportunity for Native Americans to present their culture, traditions and realities to Europeans, and for the public to learn, see, hear and feel firsthand who are those «Indians» surrounded by too many myths and preconceptions. About 50 Natives from different nations are invited for 8 days to meet and exchange with Europeans.

De la Plume à l'Écran (Nantes, France)

"De la Plume à l'Écran" is a non-profit association organizing the "Ciné Altern'Natif" Film Festival (see below)

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