film title englishA documentary film by Sylvie Jacquemin


TV broadcast schedule April 2014


Broadcast schedule :

April  2014

Find Schedule for all TV Channels :

use the "Indians Like Us" watch function of Vision Maker Media's website : HERE

[Just type Indians Like Us into the keyword section, choose your location, and where to watch or watch on PBS, then click submit.]


check PBS all channels TV schedules : HERE

[ Webmaster's tip : type "Indians Like Us" after "SEARCH :" and clic on GO to get results.
The search works if you use capital letters as the first letter of each word = "Indians Like Us"]




(Information stand : webpage last updated on Tu January 14th, 7:45 pm GMT = 8:45 pm French Time)


  • no specific information available for the moment. stay tuned !


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